Level 1: Monsters LR & UD
Right-click on the “testing” room and Duplicate it.
Change the name to “Level 1” and the caption to “Level 1”.
Your room list should be like this…
Delete the monsters and person for now. Then inside the walls, add more walls to create a spiral maze like this…
Turn off the grid.
In the center of the spiral maze, delete some walls and add some doors like this…
… add the person and the flag as shown below…
Delete the walls in the top/sides in the middle like this…
Now delete these inside walls near the corners like this…
Add 2 monster UD on each side and 3 monster LR at the top/bottom in the middle like this…
Now add diamonds in the corners like this…
Then add 2 more diamonds in the middle of the outside row/columnnnn like this…
Play the level until you are able to complete the level it; when you’ve collected all the diamonds, you should have a score of 100 (20 diamonds x 5 pts). Keep the pop-up window open to get checked off.
Level 2: Monsters ALL
Duplicate Level 1 and rename it “Level 2”.
Toggle off the grid and delete the other monsters to start…
Now add monsters to the room as shown below…
Play your game:
- skip the other levels using the “N” key to get to this level.
- You can play in full-screen mode (F4).
- When you’ve completed the level, your score should be 100 at the bottom
- keep the pop-up window open (do not click on OK).
Level 3: Bombs
Duplicate “Level 2” and name it “Level 3”.
Clear out the walls, the place them like this, with the person, the trigger, door and bombs.
Next add diamonds as shown below.
Add the monsters as shown below…
When you play this game, you should get 200 points when you’ve collected all the diamonds. If this is your last room, you can get it checked when you show the highscore table, or keep it open in play mode, when you have all the diamonds collected and have the player in a safe spot to wait until you can get it checked off.
Level 4: Blocks & Holes
Duplicate “Level 3” and change the room name and caption. Create this room design and play it. Keep it open, showing you’ve completed it with the highscore table open (skip the other rooms to just play this level).
Strategy tips:
Get rid of the holes on the edges, not the middle. Also collect the diamonds inside before approaching the bottom.
Get rid of the outside holes again and the diamonds just below…
Get rid of the diamonds and push the last 2 blocks to block the monsters like this…