Go to the Design tab and use the drop-down menu for themes…
Go to Browse for Themes…
Click on OneDrive on the left, then go into COMP 6 folder.
Go into the PPT folder… double-click on the Quotable file…
Your slides will now look like this…
If you want, you can change your theme colors, click on the Variants drop-down menu.
Slide Master: Headings
Go to View > Slide Master
Select the top/master layout.
Font Size
Go back to the Home tab…
Select the title text/box…
Pump up to the font size to 60
Font Type
Font types to choose from
Change the font type to one of the following fun/thicker font types below:
- Cooper Black
- Jokerman
- Modern Love
- Showcard Gothic
- Snap ITC
- Stencil
Font Style
Then go to Shape Format and under Quick Styles choose one of the styles.
You should see that it’s trickled down to all the layouts below…
Go back to Normal View…
Your list slides should now have nice big headings with a style like this.
Slide Master: Title Layout
Go back to View > Slide Master View
Select the ‘Title Layout’ = the 2nd layout from the top…
Title text/box
- Pump up font size to 96
- Center it.
Subtitle text/box
- Pump up font size to 36
- Center it.
To go back to your slides, click on the Normal View button (on the bottom right of your window)…
Your first and last slides should look something like this…
Picture Styles
Select all the pictures on your list slides and add a picture style.
Then resize & position your pictures so they fit nicely, on the slide.
They should be as big as possible, filling up the slide and overlapping.
Here are some more examples of slides with the pictures big enough, styles and filling up the slide…
Don’t forget to add a picture style to your birthday picture…
Get your slides checked off.