The following steps are from the online Tutorial…


  • Add a Backdrop
  • Choose a Sprite that’s animated, multiple costumes
  • Choose a Sound

Talking Animation

When Flag clicked (in 2 separate flag blocks):

  1. Say something
  2. Play sound, switch costumes

Move with arrow keys

Use arrow keys to move your character around

  • Change X >> Right (+) & Left (-)
  • Change Y >> Up (+) & Down (-)

Jump Up & Down

  • Use Space key 
  • Change Y by # = how high to jump (10-100)
  • wait a little bit between
  • Go back down

Change Color

  • when sprite is clicked, change color effect
  • reset by adding a Flag event, and clear graphics effect


Switch costumes

  • Animate your character when you press a key
  • When Space key pressed, wait between 2 costumes

Sprite #2: Glide

Add a new sprite. Make it glide from point to point. When Flag clicked…

First, set the starting point

  • move ball where want it to start
  • then pull out go to x action…

Move ball sprite where want it to move (this updates all the blocks in the list on the left) and drag over Glide action

Sprite #3: walking

  1. Add a new Sprite (walking).
  2. Put sprite where want to start, then drag “Go to X” block
  3. Have it run through all the walking costumes

Sprite #4: flying

  1. Add flying Sprite
  2. Glide across stage (starting point + glide to other side)
  3. Switch costumes (between 2), wait .1 seconds between

Draw animation:

  1. Choose Frog sprite
  2. Duplicate sprite’s costume (right-click)
  3. edit 2nd/copy >> Stretch/resize eyes and tongue

When sprite clicked, have it switch costumes and wait between