Some of the steps are based on the online tutorial, but a lot of them are not, so use the instructions below, not the built-in tutorial.


Sprite #1

  • Choose a Backdrop (delete the empty one)
  • Choose a character Sprite
  • Have it say something for 2 sec. when Flag clicked

Sprite #2

  • Add another character Sprite
  • Costumes >> Flip Horizontally

So you have 2 sprites with a background so far…

Have it say something, but wait 2 sec 1st so it’ll show after the other character finished


Backdrop 2

  • Add another Backdrop
  • In 2nd character, add another Flag event
  • Switch backdrop to Backdrop 1 first, wait 4 sec, then switch to Backdrop 2

Sprite #1: in Scene 1 only

  • When Backdrop switches to 2nd one, hide the first character
  • Set to show when starting

The rest of this is after the online tutorial


in Scene 1 only

  • Add a sprite to first scene – make it show when Flag clicked
  • Hide it when switch to other scene/backdrop


  • Drag sprite to starting point >> pull out GO TO X block
  • Then move to where want to glide to >> pull out GLIDE block


In Scene 2 only

  • Flag >> hide
  • Switch to bgd #2, then show

Walks onto stage

The add the following so it walks onto the stage…

  • go to starting point GO TO X
  • GLIDE TO somewhere on stage

switch costumes

When sprite clicked: 

  • Change Costume 
  • wait a bit and
  • change back to original costume


In Scene 2, we’ll have 2 characters interact with each other.

Sprite #4: say something

Character 4 (one that shows up in Scene 2), after finished walking onto the stage, add the following to the code you already have.

  • Say something
  • Broadcast message

Sprite #2: respond

Go to Character 2, and:

  • Receive message
  • Say or Think something for 2 sec.


So in my example, Scene 1 has the 2 characters; it starts with Character #1 saying something and Character #3 (owl) gliding in…

Then Character #2 says something…

Then the background switches, my Character 1 disappears and Character 4 walks onto the stage and says something…

Character 2 then responds to the message…