Create a new Photoshop document size 500x500px.

Draw Circle

Select the Ellipse shape tool.

Hold SHIFT and draw out a circle filling most of the canvas. Set the fill color to black.

Your layers so far…

Layer Styles

Now add the following layer styles…

As you add each style, use the settings below…

Gradient Overlay

dark/medium blue to lighter blue, Radial

Inner Shadow

Increase distance and size; change angle a bit


Click on the link for this Map File to download it.

If that doesn’t work, go to Student Share > Koppejan > Resources > Photoshop … and find the file there.

On the bottom left of your Chrome window, click on the downloaded file to open in Photoshop.

Select all (CTRL+A) and copy (CTRL+C).

Then paste it in your working PS file (CTRL+V).

CTRL+T and move it over

[Enter] to apply to transformation.


Insert a new blank layer.

Name this layer ‘grid’.

Click on this link for the Square pattern file and click on it in the bottom of your Chrome window to open/load it in Photoshop.

Go to Edit > Fill … Pattern – select the square pattern just loaded.


With the grid layer still active, CTRL+click on the circle shape layer thumbnail to select the circle area.

Go to Filter > Distort > Spherize. In the window that opens, you can keep it at 100% or reduce it a bit.

When you say OK, your grid will look something like this…

Now make the map layer active.

Go to the Filter menu and choose the top option to apply the Spherize filter again.

Delete outside globe

Make the grid layer active again.

Select the inverse (Select > Inverse or CTRL+SHIFT+I).

With the grid layer still active, hit the Delete key to delete the map outside the circle.

Now make the map layer active, and Delete.

CTRL+D to deselect.


Change the blend mode of the map layer to Color Dodge.

Change the blend mode of the grid layer to Overlay, and reduce opacity to about 30%.


  1. Draw a new oval using the Ellipse shape tool – filled with white.
  2. CTRL+T to rotate and squish it over the top left part of the globe.

[Enter] to apply the transformation.

Change the blend mode to Overlay and reduce opacity to about 20%


With the top layer selected, merge them into a new blended layer using this keyboard shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E.

You want to see little squares around the globe…

If you get a white background like this, you have to Undo (CTRL+Z) and try again, but first hide the background layer!

CTRL+T and rotate the globe.

[Enter] to apply and you’re done.