Here you’ll be combining Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner (they briefly dated)…

Copy the Taylor Swift photo first into a new PS document.

Then copy the Taylor Lautner picture into the same document.

Isolate new face

Add a layer mask to the layer of his face.

Hide Taylor Swift photo for now…

Make sure your colors are set to default (D) – want black to be the foreground color.

Select a big, slightly soft Brush.

Make sure the layer mask is active and start brushing around his face to isolate it…

When you’re done, you should have something like this…

Your mask will be filled with black except for the face you are keeping.

Make new face fit

Show Taylor Swift layer again. Reduce the opacity of the new face to around 60%.

CTRL+T and reduce the new face, change the angle – try to make the eyes and mouth and face fit…

[Enter] to apply and bring back opacity to 100%.

So you now see his face clearly like this…

Clean up edges

Now we want to clean up the edges of the new face.

Select the Brush tool – reduce the size a bit and make it totally soft

Brush out the edges carefully – we want most of Swift’s forehead (except near the left eye) – including the forehead/hair so we have Taylor Swift’s hair and jawline. You should have something like this…

Adjustment Layer: Levels

Next, add an adjustment layer Levels.

Make it a clipping mask so it’s only applying to Lautner’s face, not everything. Hold ALT and hover between layers until you see the thick down arrow…

Then click… you’ll get the arrow beside the levels thumbnail like this…

Then move the white slider a bit to the left to bright Lautner’s face to match Swift’s face more. You can also adjust the grey/middle one a bit as needed.

So you should have something like this…

Adjustment Layer: Color Balance

After making his skin tone lighter, his face still appears pale. Notice she has some redness on her arms, and has a pinkish tone to her skin. We need to match his face color to her skin’s.

Add a new adjustment layer Color Balance

Make it a clipping mask so it only applies to the new face.

Then move the “Cyan/Red” slider a bit to the right…

So his face should have a bit more pink/red.

Blend Cheeks

Make the layer mask active.

Use a black Brush Tool at 45% opacity and 45% flow.

Set the Brush softness to about 50%, and play with the brush size as needed.

You should now be able to see the pink blush on the cheek of the girl. Brush over his cheeks, so the pink blush and her cheek are more visible. This adds more femininity to his face, as his cheeks appear smoother. Don’t brush too close to the nose or you might get Swift’s nose back – if you do, switch your colors and get Lautner’s back and try again.

And you’re done.