Remove Blemishes

To get started, click on the photo below – copy the full-size photo.

CTRL+N in Photoshop and paste the photo (it should be 1200x1200px).

Double-click on the Zoom Tool so you see the face better, at 100%.

You can Delete the empty Background layer. Duplicate the photo layer (CTRL+J).

Spot Healing Brush

First select the Spot Healing Tool – change the Brush size to just bigger than the smaller spots you want to remove (~20px); make sure it’s soft edge…

Just click over the smaller spots..

Change the size of the brush to get rid of the bigger spot on her cheek. You should now have something like this…

Smoother Skin

Organize Layers

Double-click on the Hand Tool to see your entire person in the window.

Duplicate the new layer that’s had the blemishes removed (CTRL+J).

Rename your layers appropriately at this point: “blemishes removed” and the new/top one “blurred”.

Blurred skin layer

With the top “blurred” layer active, go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and set to so it’s blurred but can still see features a bit (about 5-7)

Now add a layer mask…

… and fill it with black (ALT+Backspace).

  • go to EDIT>Fill… and set to ‘black’ (make sure colors are set to default (‘D‘)
  • or try CTRL+Backspace.

Brush in skin

  1. Select the Brush Tool (soft edges, about 50px).
  2. Make sure your foreground color is white. If your colors aren’t default, do that first ‘D‘ and then switch ‘X‘.
  1. Make sure the mask part of the layer is active and…
    • brush on (with white) to smooth the skin
    • if you make a mistake, just brush in with black
  1. When you’re done, reduce the opacity of the layer a little until it looks a bit more realistic, not too blurred.

Your result is something like this…


Zoom in

Zoom in on face features – eyes and mouth.

Brush tool

  1. Add new layer.
  2. Choose a Brush tool (about size 7-8).

Draw eyeliner

  • Make sure the foreground color is black.
  • Draw eyeliner around the eye.
  • Don’t forget the other eye.
  • Erase parts if too much.
  • Change the layer blend mode Soft light.


  • After finishing drawing the eye liner, apply Gaussian Blur to the layer – just a small amount so the eye liner looks real (about 3-4px).
  • If that didn’t look realistic enough, you can decrease the opacity of the new layer you are using now, so it looks even more real.

Name your layer “eye liner”.

Eye shadow

  1. Add a new layer, rename it “eye shadow”.
  2. Set the blend mode of the layer to ‘Soft Light’.
  1. Select the Brush tool
  2. Choose the desired color for the eye make-up. Note, that in Soft light mode, colors are very different than the real one = lighter and not that intense.
  1. Decrease opacity to about 40%.
  1. Add Gaussian Blur (about 10px).
  2. Erase any parts you don’t want to keep.
  3. Rename the layer to “eye shadow” if you haven’t already done so.

So you have something like this…


  • Select the Brush Tool – set to about 6px, about 75% hardness
  • Add a new layer
  • Set blend mode to ‘Soft Light’.
  • Set foreground color to a bright lip color (pink/purple/red).
  • Draw a lip line with a color a little bit darker than the rest of the lips.
  • Set the foreground color to a lighter shade of that color.
  • Set the Brush Tool to a bigger size (about 20px) and paint inside the lips with this color.
  • Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and set to about 3px.
  • Rename the layer “lip color” and decrease the opacity of the layer, so the color doesn’t look too intense.

So you end up with something like this…


This is very important part if you want the face look really amazing. Those are real make-up tips and tricks and now we are going to make them with Photoshop. I will separate the steps into 2 parts – white and black part. The all go the same way technically.

  1. Add a new layer above “lip color”, call it ‘highlights’.
  2. Set blend mode to Soft light
  3. Set the foreground color to white. (‘D‘ and then ‘X‘).
  4. Select the Brush Tool – make it about 60px, soft
  5. Draw in highlights – start drawing the lower part of the forehead, the nose, the cheeks, the chin and a spot above the lips.

Now apply a Gaussian Blur (find the balance between too much white and too much spreading of the white = 15-20px). Something like this:

After that you can decrease the opacity of the layer so it looks more real (~35-60%). Rename the layer “highlights”.

You should have something like this…


The same as the white one…

  1. Add a new layer
  2. Set blend mode to ‘Soft Light’
  3. Set foreground color to black (‘D‘)
  4. Select the Brush Tool (set size about 50-60px, soft)
  5. Draw only the cheek-bones. It will look like this before the blur steps:

After applying the Gaussian Blur (about 30-40px), it’ll look something like this…

Decrease the opacity (50-60%). Rename the layer “shadows”.

Your result…

Group Makeover Layers

Now you are going to put all the makeover layers into one group. Select the make over layers

  1. select the top layer “shadows”
  2. hold SHIFT and
  3. click on the “blemishes removed” layer

CTRL+G to group them.

This enables you to see your “before” and “after” using the show/hide icon (eyeball) beside the group folder.

Expand the group folder so you can get your makeover layers checked.