Getting Started
Click on the picture below and copy the full-sized image into a new PS document (580×904).
Rename the layer “photo”.
Click on the padlock icon for the Background to unlock it…
Then Delete.
Color: Lips & Eyes
Insert a new blank layer.
Rename it “lips & eyes”.
Select the Brush tool.
Go to the Options bar and set the size to 30px; hardness ~50%.
Zoom in on the face using the scroll wheel on your mouse.
Click on the front color square and choose a bright color for the lips.
Paint over the lips.
Choose a different color for the eyes and paint over them.
Layer Blend Mode
Change the layer blend mode to Color and reduce the opacity to 70%.
Clean up edges
Select the Eraser tool (~20px, soft).
Brush and clean up around the eyes & lips.
So make sure no color is going outside the eyes or lips.
Here’s the result so far…
Hair Color
Select Hair
Select the original photo layer. Then go to Select > Color Range…
First slide the Fuzziness all the way to “200”. Then click somewhere on the hair. Your selection will turn white.
Click OK. You should see a selection like this…
Hue/Saturation adjustment layer
Add an adjustment layer > Hue/Saturation…
You will see a new layer…
Go to the Properties panel.
- Increase the Saturation to ~50
- Then drag the Hue slider to choose a color.
Clean up edges
Set colors back to default (X).
Select the Brush tool, set it to totally soft, size ~150px.
Make sure the layer mask is selected.
Then drag the brush around the edges of the face and the neck to get rid of any color showing.
So now there should be no colored areas on the skin.