Liquify Tool

Copy this starting picture into Photoshop…

Duplicate the layer (CTRL+J). You can delete the Background layer if you like.

Then go to FILTER>… and choose Liquify. A new window opens up – you may have to adjust the size of the window. The tools you want to use are on the top left…

Change the following:

  • eyes bigger (Bloat tool)
  • nose narrower (Pucker tool)
  • chin pointier (Forward Warp)
  • jaw line narrower (Pinch or Forward Warp)

Rename the layer ‘liquify’.

Smooth skin

Right-click on the ‘liquify’ layer and Convert to Smart Object.

You should then see a small icon on the layer thumbnail…

Then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and add enough to make the skin a bit smoother.

You’ll now see Gaussian Blur as a smart filter…

Make the mask part of the layer active and invert (CTRL+I) to fill with black.

Set your colors to default (D) and then switch (X) so white is foreground, black is background.

Zoom in on the face a bit more. With a soft white Brush, paint on the skin to make it smooth, keeping everything else including the eyes and jawline sharp.

It’s a bit fake looking, so we need to reduce the layer opacity. Double-click on this part of the smart filter…

Then reduce the opacity of the blur to about 50-70%.


Add an adjustment layer…


In Properties, click on line, get 2 pts and push/pull like this…


Add another adjustment layer…


Pull out near the middle to brighten the photo…

Make the mask part of the layer active and fill it with black by inverting it (CTRL+I).

Take the Brush tool and paint over the whites of the eyes to brighten them.


Add another adjustment layer…


Go to Properties and check the box for Colorize, then play with the Hue and Saturation sliders…

Fill the mask with black (CTRL+I).

Paint on the mask with a soft white Brush to have just the hair a different color…

Layers should look like this…