Option #1: Pop Out from the Side (Thor)
Copy this picture of Thor into a new PS document (686 x 598).

Select the Rectangle Tool.

- Set the Fill to a white
- Set the Stroke to a light grey, 15 pixels thickness.

Drag out a rectangle so the hammer is sticking out a little on the right and going close to the edges for now…

Clipping Mask
Move the photo layer above the rectangle and turn it into a clipping mask (holding ALT).

CTRL+T to transform and then right-click > Perspective…

Push in the bottom corner a bit like this…

Then right-click > Scale…

Push in the middle squares on the top (to the nose), bottom & right (to the wrist)…

[Enter] to apply the transformation.
Popping Out
Duplicate the photo layer (CTRL+J).

Remove Background
Then go to Properties and Remove Background.

So now you see the head popping out nicely, but there are issues with the extra cape & legs at the bottom and the missing hammer.

Clean Up
With the layer mask active, select the Brush tool. Make sure your colors are on default.

Make the brush about size 100 and a bit soft…

Paint out the bottom area so none of that is outside the rectangle frame…

Brush in the reveal the hammer…

Then zoom in on the hammer area. Switch the color to white, and make the brush smaller using the square bracket [

So now it’s cleaned up nicely…

Drop Shadow
Select all the layers except the white Background layer (SHIFT-click).

Then CTRL+G to group them…

With the folder selected, add layer style… choose Drop Shadow

Reset to default and increase the opacity to about 60, increase the size to about 30, and change the angle to top-left.

With the group/folder selected, CTRL+T and move it over a bit like this so it’s in the middle.

[Enter] to apply and you should have this…

Option #2: Pop Out (own photo)
Open the “Pop Out from Photo” file and repeat the process with your own photo.
First collapse the layer style so it takes up less room…

- Collapse the folder.
- Then duplicate the folder (CTRL+J).
- Hide the bottom folder.
- Delete the picture/mask layers, keeping only the rectangle.

Picture Frame
Get a new photo and paste it in. Turn it into a clipping mask. Then adjust the size/position of the photo as needed so you will have something sticking out the top & bottom.

Sticking Out Top & Bottom
Duplicate the photo layer (CTRL+J).

Select the top photo layer and go to Properties > Remove Background.

Use the Brush Tool to brush in missing pieces (white) or get rid of too much (black), on the mask part of the layer.

In my example, I have to erase (paint with black brush) between the ears near the top…

When you’re done, get it checked off.

Option #3: Pop Out from Paper (own photo)
Open the “Pop out from Paper” file and follow these steps…
- Duplicate the folder
- Collapse the layer styles
- Hide the bottom folder
- Expand the top folder
- Delete the photo layers

Find your own photo and paste it in. Resize it so it’s covering the rectangle.

Add a clipping mask to the photo.

Duplicate the photo layer (CTRL+J).

Go to the Properties tab on the top-right and click on Remove Background.

Check if your photo has any missing pieces – in my example, part of the snowman’s hat is missing. Take a black Brush and paint in missing pieces

CTRL+T and Warp to adjust the rectangle so you’re showing enough of the original photo.

[Enter] to apply the transformation. You should have something like this…