Isolate Sunglasses

Click on the photo below and copy the full-size glasses.

Paste it into the same document (CTRL+V)./i

Select the Wand Tool. It might be hidden under the Object Selection Tool.

Tolerance should be at least 32, and check the box for Contiguous

Click on the background area around the sunglasses


Deselect (CTRL+D).

Wrap Sunglasses around Face

Free Transform (CTRL+T) to resize and move a bit and size it down a bit (hold SHIFT, push in from a corner).

Then right-click and Transform>Perspective

…adjust the right side so it’s smaller.

Right-click again and choose Warp – then push/pull in corners and curves a little so it looks like it’s bending.

Enter to apply the transformation. So you end with something like this…

Drop Shadow

Add a layer style Drop Shadow to the sunglasses layer.

Change the angle and make it bigger.

Your layers look like this…

And your pear looks like this so far…

Isolate Lips

Click on the photo below and copy the full-size lips pic and paste it into the document.

First CTRL+T to transform – resize so it fits entirely on the canvas.

Go to the Properties tab on the top-right and click on Remove Background.

This should isolate the lips for you using a mask like this…

Transform Lips

CTRL+T and make the mouth a bit smaller, so it fits on the pear…

Then right-click and Flip Horizontal.

Right-click and Warp

Warp it a little bit to make it look likes it’s curving with the shape of the pear.

Enter to apply your transformation.

Make Lips Green

Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.

Make it a clipping mask – hold ALT and hover between the Hue/Sat layer and the lips copy layer, then click when you see this arrow.

It should then look like this…

In the Hue/Saturation properties, check the box for Colorize, then adjust the sliders for the Hue and Saturation til you get a color that matches the pear’s green.

Erase Inside Mouth

Select the mask of the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.

Select the Brush tool and set to the basic hard brush – then increase the size to about 70

Paint the inside of the mouth with black so it’s normal colors again.

  • You will probably have to zoom in while doing this to get a good, clean edge.
  • Paint the inside of the mouth with a black brush to hide the green tinted layer
  • If you erase too much, switch your colors (‘X‘).

Transparent Background

Unlock the Background layer …

Select it (make it active)…

CTRL+A to select everything in the layer, and Delete (not Backspace) to make it empty. It should be the transparent squares.

Select the Crop tool

Make the document bigger so there’s area around the pear. Pull out the corners so the canvas is a bit bigger, have some area all around the pear.

When you [Enter] to apply the cropping, you should have something like this…

Make the pear layer active.

Take the Wand Tool – make sure anti-aliased and contiguous are checked.

Click somewhere on the white background around the pear…

… and Delete.

Deselect (CTRL+D).

Gradient Background

Show your bottom layer again and make it active.

Go to your Colors. Make sure on default (black, white). Then set the background color/square to red.

Now select the Gradient Tool

Go to the options bar to set it to ‘Reflected’ type…

Click and drag, starting in the middle and dragging up to the top of the canvas.

When you let go, you should have something like this…

Your layers will look like this…