Start by copying this photo into a new PS document. Right-click and “Copy Image”.

In Photoshop, create a new document with CTRL+N and [Enter]. Then CTRL+V to paste it.

Copy the rock photo below…

…and paste it into the same document.

Add Mask

Add a layer mask.

Paint over face

Set your colors to default (D), then switch (X) so white = foreground.

Make sure the mask is selected and CTRL+Backspace to fill it with black.

Select the Brush Tool

In the Options Bar at the top, make it soft, size around 30

Brush on the face (not the eyes). You can play with the brush size using the [ and ] keys.

Your mask will look like this…


Now to make it look better, change the blend mode to ‘Overlay’ and reduce the opacity to 50-70%.