You can choose any type of award you like. Here are some examples…

Page Layout

Start with a new Word document.

Go to the LAYOUT toolbar and set page Orientation to “Landscape”.

Change your view size to 70-80% using the Zoom slider at the bottom of your window.

Awarded to

Insert Word Art

Start by going to the Insert tab and choose Word Art … choose any style.

This will insert a text box with some text.

Type to replace the text:

  1. Type out what your award is for, “__of the Month/Year” or “Best
    ie. “Student of the Month” or “Best Dancer Ever” or “Youtuber of the Year”
  2. Enter to the next line, and type out “Awarded to”.

Font type & size

Select the text inside the Word Art box…go to the Home tab, set the font type to Broadway, size 48, add any style and center it.

Your award type should fit on one line – if it doesn’t, change/reduce the words so it fits!

Select just the second line “Awarded to” and pump the font size down to ’28’…


Insert Word Art

Go to the INSERT tab and choose Word Art … choose the first black shadow style.

First move the box down a bit so it’s not on top of the Awarded to text.

Type the full name of whoever you want to give this award to (yourself, a friend, a famous person).

Font type & size

Select the name. Go back to the Home tab and change the font type to Edwardian Script. The font size should be 36 (by default).

Presented by

Insert Word Art

Click off the name text box and insert another Word Art text box with the same style.

Type out the following on 3 separate lines:

  1. Type out “Presented by” and [Enter]
  2. Type out who the award is presented by and [Enter]
  3. Type out today’s date.

Font Type & Size

  1. Select the 3 lines of “Presented” text
  2. Set the font type to Bookman Old Style
  3. Pump down the font size to 16.

Position text boxes

Move the Awarded to box so it’s centered at the top of the page.

Click off to set the box position.

Now select and move the “presented by” text box so it’s aligned to the bottom and middle of the page (when see the green guides)…

Click off to set the position and now select and move the name box to the middle-middle of the page.

Click off the text box to set the position. Your page should now look like this…

Page Border

Then go to the DESIGN tab, and then click on Page Borders.

Then choose any page border you like, an “Art” style.

When you see the border in the Preview area, click on OK.

So far have something like this…

Line Shape

Insert shape

Click with your cursor on your page; make sure nothing is selected.

Go to INSERT>Shapes… Select the Line shape.

Draw a horizontal line. Hold SHIFT while dragging it out underneath your name so it stays straight. It should be a bit wider than your name.


With the line still selected, go to the SHAPE FORMAT tab and Shape Styles and change the color to black.


Move it so it’s close the the bottom of the name. Also align it so it’s in the center of the page.

Star shape

Insert one of the 2 highlighted star shapes.

It should be in the empty space to the left of your name. Draw it out so it’s about this size…

Go to the SHAPE FORMAT tab … go to the Shape Style options…

Set it to one of the gradients…

Right-click on the shape and “Add Text”…

  1. Type out “You’re the best!”
  2. Select the text inside and change the font type to Segoe Script and size 22.

So you now have something like this…

Clip Art

Clip art #1

Make sure nothing is selected. Have your cursor blinking before your award text.

Then go to INSERT>Online Pictures…

Search for whatever you like, but you need to find cartoon type of pictures, not photos – uncheck “creative commons” and set the Filter to “clip art”.

Choose a picture and Insert.

Don’t worry if stuff has moved to another page. Size it down a bit if needed.

Add text wrapping In Front of Text

Move it into an empty position at the bottom of the page and make it as big as possible to fill the empty area….

Clip art #2

Click off the picture, then go to INSERT>Online Pictures… and find another clip art type of picture. Add wrapping In Front of Text; move and resize it also to the bottom area…