Showing finished project – pig running back & forth across the stage.
Set Stage Size
Set the stage size to 50% so have space outside the stage
Set initial asset position
Make sure the play head is on Frame 1.
Move pig off the stage on the left.
Create keyframe
Go to and click the last frame of the pig layer in the Timeline. Add a keyframe there using the Insert Keyframe button (or F6).
It should now have a dot.
Move Asset
Go back to the first frame of the pig layer …
…click on the Tween button.
It should then have a purple line with an arrow for the frames.
Then go (click on) the last frame of the same layer and move the pig to the right, just outside the stage.
Test Animation
Click on the Play button to test the animation.
It will open in a new Chrome tab.
Create Keyframe
Go to back to the Timeline panel.
Click on the frame next to the last and Insert Keyframe.
Flip Asset Direction
Right-click on the pig on the stage and go to Transform > Flip Horizontal.
Move Asset to Origin
Keep the playhead on the same frame as the last step and click on Classic Tween button.
Click on Frame 100 and move the pig to the left side, off the stage.
You will then see the tweening in the frames.
Expand Layer Span
Right-click on Frame 100 of the sky layer …
…and Insert Frame (use the drop-down menu or F5).
Test Animation
Share Animation
You could share to Twitter or Youtube – but we won’t be doing that.