Wing 1

Add a new layer, rename it “Wing 1”.

Select the Line/Curve tool – set the thickness to 5.

Draw a line and push/pull the curves with the end points are near the middle of the canvas.

Duplicate the layer.

Go to Layers > Flip Horizontal.

Select the Move tool.

Move so ends meet or draw another line to connect them so there’s no gap.

Then Merge the 2 layers together.

Set the color to a dark color and fill with the Paint Bucket.

Wing 2

Insert a new layer, name it “Wing 2”.

Set Colors back to default. Select the Line/Curve tool again…

  1. Draw a wing with the end points near the center.
  2. Duplicate the layer.
  3. Layers > Flip Horizontal

Select the Move tool.

Move so ends meet or draw another line to connect them so there’s no gap.

Merge the layers together…

Set the color to another dark color. Use the Paint Bucket to fill with a different dark color.

Move “Wing 2” under “Wing 1” in the Layers panel.


Insert a new layer, rename it “body”.

Choose the Shapes tool … set to the Ellipse shape.

Choose a dark fill color. Draw an oval.


Insert a new layer, rename it “head”.

Choose a different dark color. Draw a circle for the head.


Add a new layer, rename it “Antennas”.

Use the Line/Curve tool to draw 2 antennas at the top of the head.

Use the Shape tool (Ellipse) to draw circles at the top of them.

Eye 1

Insert a new layer, rename it “Eye”.

Change the Ellipse shape tool to draw Fill Only

Set the colors to the default, then switch so white is the front color.

  1. Draw an oval/circle for the eye.
  2. Switch the color to black and draw another oval/circle for the pupil.
  3. Switch the color back to white and draw a small oval/circle for the highlight.

Eye 2

Duplicate the eye layer.

Move it over.

CTRL+D to deselect.


Insert a new layer, name it “mouth”.

Use the Line/Curve tool to draw a mouth or smile.



Make the head layer active.

Use the Ellipse Select tool and draw an oval over most of the left side of the head.

Go to Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast … and make it brighter.

Click off to get rid of the dotted outline, or [Enter].


Repeat the same process for the body.

  • Make the body layer active.
  • Use the Ellipse Select tool and draw an oval over most of the left side of the body.
  • Go to Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast … and make it brighter.
  • Click off to get rid of the dotted outline, or [Enter].

Duplicate Wings

Wings 1

Duplicate the Wings 1 layer.

Use the Move tool to squish it. [Enter] to deselect.

Go to Adjustments > Hue/Saturation … change the color.

Wings 2

Duplicate the Wings 2 layer.

Use the Move tool to squish it. [Enter] to deselect.

Go to Adjustments > Hue/Saturation … change the color.


Add a new layer, name it “decorations”.

Set the color to white and draw circles/ovals.

Double-click on the layer and reduce the opacity slider to about 1/2 way…


Add one of the following effects to each layer:

  • Effects > Photo > Glow
  • Effects > Photo Soften Portrait

Use CTRL+F to repeat the effect on each layer.