Slide #4: Watch/Do

Choose one of the topic choices below…

  • Movies
  • TV Shows
  • Books
  • Video Games

Add the title to the slide.

Change the Layout to “Title Only”…

Do a Google search to find 3-5 good quality photos. Here are some examples…

Add picture style to the photos – resize and position them on the slide…

Slide #5: People/Places/Things

Choose one of the topic choices below…

  • People: can be a mix of any of the following, or you can focus on one type:
    • Singers/Bands
    • Actors, Athletes, Authors
    • Characters (Disney, Anime, Pokemon)
    • Superheroes
  • Places: these can be places you’d like to go (countries, cities, theme parks)
  • Things: hobbies, sports, games

Type in the title…

Change the slide Layout to “Title Only”…

Do a Google search to find 3-5 good quality photos. Here are some examples…

Add a picture style and resize/position them to fill the slide…

Slide # 6: Birthday

Type your birthday month & day in the title box.

Change the Layout to “Title Only”.

Go to the Insert tab and click on Pictures

Choose Online Pictures. In the box that pops up…

  1. Type “birthday” or “birthday cake” or “present” or something related to birthdays that’s wide (not tall) and [Enter]
  2. Uncheck the box for Creative Commons only.
  3. Select a picture
  4. Insert.

Make sure it’s fitting in the bottom area…

Add a picture style and position it to fill the bottom area…

Design: Title Slides

Click on the last slide…

Slide Master

Then go to View > Slide Master View

You should be on the 2nd layout from the top…

Go back to the Home tab…

Title text/box

  1. Pump up font size to 96
  2. Center it.

Subtitle text/box

  1. Pump up  font size to 36
  2. Center it.

To go back to your slides, click on the Normal View button (on the bottom right of your window)…

Your first and last slides should look something like this…