Getting Started
Open Starting File
Go to your folders…

Go to the COMP 6 shortcut on the left …go into the PPT folder… then double-click on the “Animated Movies” file.

You should see slides with text like this…

Turn off Designer Suggestions
Go to the File tab at the top-left. Then go to the bottom, to “Options”.

In the window that opens, uncheck the box for PowerPoint Designer suggestions; then click on OK to close the window.

Pin to taskbar
Pin PowerPoint to your taskbar…

Slide #2: Toy Story

- Right-click on the picture of Woody above and Copy Image.
- Then click on the slide and use the Paste button or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V.
- Copy the other pictures and paste them on the slide as well. They will all have circles to show they are all selected/active.
- Click off the pictures so none of them are selected/active/have circles.
You can hit the Esc key to get rid of the bottom/right button.

Drag/move the pictures into positions as shown below…

Slide #3: Despicable Me

Copy & paste the pictures onto the slide. Move and resize the other pictures so they fit/fill the black bottom area, not too close to the words.

Resize from the corner handle – not the side or top circles! (or it will be squished). Resize it until it fits nicely in the bottom area like this…

Slide #4: Frozen

- Copy and paste the Frozen pictures on the the slide.
- With the pictures still selected/active, go to the Picture Format tab and add this style to it and position it so it’s on the right…

Click off the pictures so there are no circles, none selected. Then click and drag to move the pictures so they’re overlapping, like this…

Slide #5: Inspirational
Change the slide Layout to Title Only…

Copy the pictures and paste them on the slide. Add the bevel style…

Move & resize them and have them overlapping like this.

Slide #6: Animals
Change the Layout to Title Only…

Copy the pictures; paste them and add the tilted style…

Move & resize them like this…

Slide #7: Superheroes
Change the Layout to Title Only…

Copy the pictures and paste them. With them still selected, add the flattened style…

Move & resize them so they’re overlapping like this…

Get the photos checked off…

Stacking Order
You may have the wrong stacking order. Elsa must be behind Anna. If not, right-click and “Send to Back”.

Kristoff should be in front of Anna. If not, right-click and “Bring to Front”.

Olaf should be in front of Kristoff. If not, right-click and “Bring to Front”.
List Slides

Pictures Only