Theme Color

Go to the Design tab.

Go to the drop-down menu for Variants

Choose Colors and you will see a list of color options.

Hover down the list until you find one you like. This will change all your slides to this color variant. For example, here I’ve chosen yellow. You can choose whatever colors you like.

Note: I will continue the screenshots with the default color.

Slide Master View

Go to View > Slide Master

This opens up the template for the slides. Go to the top layout (with the “1” beside it).


Font size

Go back to the Home tab…

Select the title text / box…

Pump up to the font size to 60.

Font type

Change the font type – don’t worry if the text is going outside the box.

Choose one of the following fun/thicker font types shown below:

  • Cooper Black
  • Jokerman
  • Modern Love
  • Showcard Gothic
  • Snap ITC
  • Stencil

Font choices (see how they look):

Font Style

Then go to Shape Format and under Quick Styles choose one of the styles so that it stands out.

You should see that it’s trickled down to all the layouts below…

Go back to Normal View

All your list slides will now have a nice heading like this…

Title Layout

Go to the first slide…

Then go back into Slide Master view…

The ‘Title Layout’ on the left should be active…

Title Box

Click anywhere in the title box and pump up the font size to 96 and center it.

Subtitle Box

Then click in the subtitle box and pump up the font size to 36 and center it.

Go back to Normal View

Your first and last slides will look like this…

All Titles Bouncing

Go back into Slide Master View…

Select the top layout again…

Click in the title box…

Go to the Animations tab.

Choose Bounce

You should see “1” beside the title box now.

Open the Animation Pane.

In the Animation Pane, double-click on the Title animation…

In the window that opens, change the Animate text from “All at once” to “By letter“. Then say OK.

If you Preview, it should look like this…

You will see a star beside the top/master layout…


Add Different Transitions

Go to Normal View

Go to the Slide #1 and add the transition type Curtains.

Add a different transition type to the other slides #2-8.

Advance Timings

Go to Slide Sorter View

Zoom out to about 70-80% so you can see all your slides…

  1. Then select all the slides using CTRL+A.
  2. Then on the far-right of the Transitions tab, go to the Advance Slide section.
  3. Check the box and set it to 10 seconds.

Click in an empty area to deselect the slides. Then click on Slide 1 so select just that slide.

Change the amount of time from to 5 sec.

Get your project checked off.