Year Info Page

Click on the Year Info Pages link in the navbar…

Click on the link to your year’s info page…

Song Slides (#2-6)

  • 1990-2019: open another tab in Chrome, and do a Google search for pictures.
  • 1980-1989: go to your Year Info page/tab and copy given pictures.

Right-click on the singer’s photo and Copy image

Getting Photos from Google?

Use the Paste button or use the keyboard shortcut (CTRL+V).

Move it over to the empty area on the left. If you need to make it smaller, make sure to resize from a corner handle, not the top/side handles!

Add pictures for each song slide…

If you had to get your own photos from Google, get the quality checked off before continuing…

Slide #7

Copy and paste the people in the following order on the slide so when you do animation later, you will know which person goes with which bullet. Make sure you resize from a corner so the pictures stay proportional, not squishing/stretching them!

  • Copy and paste the first person on the right,
  • Copy and paste the middle person in the middle
  • Copy and paste the last person on the left

Slide #8

Position the pictures the same as in the example slide on the year info page.

Slides #9-11

For the other slides, resize and position the pictures to fill up the empty areas, starting with the bottom-right corner.

Picture Styles

Song Slides

Select the picture, then go to Picture Format tab and add a Quick Style.

Do the same for the other slides.

Slides #7 & 8

Select all the pictures (SHIFT-click). Then add a Quick Style. Choose a style that is not round or takes up a lot of room.

Slides #9-11

For these slides, add any Quick Style to the pictures. Resize them so they’re overlapping.

Get your project checked off so far…