Open any of the “Movies” starting files. You will format it so it ends up like this:

No starting file? Get the table and text started…


Page Heading

Select the page heading and change the font type to Lucida Handwriting size 28.

First Row Font

Select the first row and also set it to Lucida Handwriting, size 18.

Columns & Rows

First Column Wider

Hover over the line between the first 2 columns, and when you get the 2-pointed arrow, click and drag it to the right until it’s lined up beside the “5”…

Other Columns Even

Then select the other 5 columns…

… and Distribute Columns Evenly.

Insert a Row

We need an empty row for photos (below the movie names, above the years).
Hover beside the table like this to add a row…

You should have an empty row like this below the movie names…

Table Style

Select just the table…

Go to the Table Design tab and go to Styles… and select one of the styles shown below.

If you click off your table, you should now have something like this.

If the first row text is not white, then select it and change the Font Color to white.

So it should look like this…


Right-click and Copy the photos below and Paste them into the empty row in your table using the button or the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V.

With the pictures pasted, it should look like this…

Spacing & Alignment

Pull down Bottom Margin

Using the Ruler, pull down the Bottom Margin so you have 1/2″ margin. You should now have 1 page.

Paragraph Spacing

Select all the text (CTRL+A)… and go to Paragraph options …

  • Line Spacing to Single
  • Paragraph Spacing to 6pt before & after
  • Make the checkbox empty (not shaded or checked)!

You should see extra space before and after the text in each row, as well as between the names

Cell Alignment

Select the entire table again …

Go to Layout … change alignment to middle-middle.

You should see all the text centered horizontally, but also vertically (you’ll see it where there is less text for movie names and actors).

Center Page Heading

Click anywhere on the page heading and center it.


Click in the empty cell in the first column for the Year row…

Go to Insert > Icons…

Search for “date” and choose this icon…

With the icon still selected, go to the new tab Graphics Format and reduce to 0.4″

For the Duration row, search for “clock” and insert this icon.

Reduce the size to 0.4“.

For the Actors row, search for “profile” and choose this icon.

Reduce the size to 0.4“.

For the Rating row, search for “star” and choose this icon.

Reduce the size to 0.4“.

The table/content should all be on one page, but we’ll still have an extra blank page.

One page

Go to the empty line after the table…

…and Clear Formatting (so it becomes smaller and doesn’t have as much paragraph spacing).

Your cursor should now be on the first page…

The extra blank page should be gone and it should look like this…