Add Text

Click on the link to any year below…

This opens an info page with the top songs from that year at the top. Scroll down past the list to see the “Top Songs”.

At the top of your starting document, change “1980” to the year you are focusing on.

Choose any 10 songs in any order you like from the year info page. Select the singer and copy into the “Artists” column; select the song and copy into the “Songs” column.

Select everything on the page (CTRL+A) and Clear Formatting.

Format Text

Default Font

Select the entire page (CTRL+A) and set the default font to Courier New, size 16.

Page Heading

Select the page heading and set the font type to Agent Orange and size 36.

Table Headings

  • Select the first row and set the font type to Agent Orange, size 24.
  • Select the first column and set to Agent Orange, size 36.

You should now have something like this…

Column Widths

  • Click in the 1st column.
  • Go to the Table Layout tab and set the width to 1.3″
  • Click in the 2nd column; set width to 2.6″
  • Click in the 3rd column; set width to 2.6″

Your table should now look like this…

Table Style

Select the table…

Go to the Table Design tab and go to the drop-down menu for styles. Choose any of these styles…

The top row should be dark and the others alternating like this…

Unbold Table Headings

  1. Select the 1st row of the table.
  2. On the Home tab, click on the bold button so it’s not selected.
  3. Click off to see it is not bold…

Select the numbers and make them not bold as well.

Make Singers Bold

Select the singers in the 2nd column and make them bold.

Filling up the page

Bottom Margin

Hover over the Ruler where the margin stars (white/grey), when you get a 2-pointed arrow and it says Bottom Margin, pull down to the 1/2″ mark.

Paragraph Spacing

  1. Select all the text on the page (CTRL+A) and go to the Layout tab.
  2. In the Paragraph section, set the Spacing to 6pt before & after.

Row Height

Select the table… then set the row height to 1.3″

Cell Alignment

Select the table again. Go to Table Layout > Alignment… and set the cell alignment to middle-middle.

Page Heading Font Color

Select the page heading. Make it the same dark color as your table…

And you’re done…