- Page heading: set font type to Modern Love, size 28
- Section headings: set font type to Modern Love, size 18
- center the page heading

- Make the list for “Favorite Holiday Foods” to a bulleted list
- make the list for “Presents” a numbered list

Top Photo
Copy the photo below.

Click on the top empty line above your page heading…

Then paste the picture.

Clipart #1
Copy the following clip art picture into your document. Add text wrapping Tight

- Then move it beside the top paragraphs, aligned with the top of the heading “Celebrating Christmas” and a bit of a gap from the edge of the paper, like this.
- Then make it a little bit smaller so the bottom/legs are beside the paragraph, and the “Presents” heading is on the left.

Clipart #2
Copy the following clip art picture into your document. Add text wrapping Tight

- Move it so it is close to the edge of the paper, and just above the bottom paragraph. Use the arrow keys to adjust the position.
- Resize it, make it a little bigger so it’s going into the paragraph at the top so the top 2 lines are still all the way to the right, and you see this…

So it should look like this (fitting on one page).