
Page Heading

Page heading: Hippie Movement size 48

Zoom out to 70% so you can see your entire page.

Section Headings

Change the first heading to Hippie Movement, size 26

  1. select some/all of the first section heading
  2. double-click on the Format Painter button
  3. click in the middle of the (first) word, and drag over other words to the right.

Change the other section headings to the same font type & size (Hippie Movement, 26); you can use the Format Painter:

Click on the Format Painter button to deselect it.

Center Page Heading

Select the page heading and center it.

Text Boxes: Draw

Double-click on the word “Security” to select it.

Go to the Insert tab and then Text Box

Choose Draw Text Box near the bottom.

This will pop the selected text into a text box like this…

Make the box as wide as the page, until you get the green guides like this…

Then reduce the height of the box so just the words fit…

Repeat the process:

  1. Select the other section headings
  2. Insert > Text Box > Draw Text Box
  3. Make the text box wider, green guides
  4. Reduce the height of the text box, fitting the words only.

Text Boxes: Outline

Select the first text box and go to Shape Format tab and use the drop-down menu for Outline

… or you can right-click on the border of the box and go to Outline.

Then choose the wavy Sketched type of border.

So your text box should now look like this..

Do the same for the other text boxes to get this…

Text Boxes: Fill

Now add a Fill to each text box (right-click on the box or go to Shape Format tab). Go to More Fill Colors…

…choose a dark color so you have something like this.

Then select the other text boxes, one-at-a-time, and CTRL+Y to repeat the color.

Font Colors

Text Boxes

Click on the first text box again and set the Font Color to white.

Then select the other text boxes, one-at-a-time, and CTRL+Y to repeat the color.

Page Heading

Now change the page heading to the same color as your text boxes.