Page Layout
Go to the LAYOUT toolbar and set page Orientation to “Landscape”.
Change your view size to 70-80% using the Zoom slider at the bottom of your window.
Page Heading
- Type out the chart title “Animals”.
- [Enter] and type your name on the next line.
- [Enter] so you have an empty line after your name.
Select “Animals”. Go to the HOME tab and
- change the font type to Snap ITC
- pump it up to size 36
- give it a style
- center it on the page
Click anywhere on the line with your name and center it.
Insert Chart
Click with your cursor on the empty line.
Then go to the INSERT tab and click the Chart button.
Chart type is Column – then 3-D Clustered Column.
When you say OK, you’ll get a chart like this and a pop-up window where we can change the data (words and numbers).
Enter Chart Data
First let’s delete the extra columns. Right-click on Column D and Delete.
Right-click on Column C and Delete.
Click in the first cell/box in Column A (“Category 1”) and change to an animal of your choice. Use the down arrow to go down to the next box and change the text. You should have 4 animals.
Click in the first cell/box in Column B (under “Series 1”) and type “3”. Then change the other numbers as follows:
When you’re done this, close the data window.
You will now have something like this…
Chart Elements
- Click on the “+” beside the chart…
- Uncheck the boxes for Chart Title and Legend.
Chart Size
Pull out the chart from the bottom corner handle to make it as big as possible, but still on one page…
So now you have this…
Chart Outline
- With the chart still selected, go to the Format tab.
- Go to Shape Styles > Outline > No Outline
Click to the right of the chart to see how it looks.
Data Labels
Click on the data labels below the columns so you see circles around them like this…
On the HOME tab, change the font type to Bookman Old Style and font size 12.
Select the text box for the numbers and change to Bookman Old Style, size 12.
Format Axis
To get whole numbers on the left, double-click on the number labels on the side to open the Format Axis panel on the right. Change the Units for Major axis from “0.5” to “1”. Now you should only see whole numbers like this…
First Picture
First open a new Chrome tab and search “cartoon …” and filter by “clip art”.
Look for pictures with white backgrounds (not transparent), no words. Once you’ve found a picture you like, right-click on the thumbnail (this doesn’t need to be a huge/big picture) and “Copy”.
Click on the first column, then click again, so you have circles for the first column only.
Paste the picture in (CTRL+V). It will be stretched as you see below…
If you don’t like the picture, paste another one to replace it.
Stack & Scale
- Double-click on the column in your chart; a panel will open on the right.
- Click on Fill (the paint bucket)
- The go down and click on the Stack and Scale radio button… it should be set to “1” picture per unit.
More Pictures
Repeat for the other animals
- Double-click on the column in your chart
- Click on Fill (the paint bucket)
- Then go down and click on the Stack and Scale radio button… it should be set to “1” picture per unit.
Zoom out so you can see your entire chart.
Now find other pictures for the other columns; copy and paste them; also stack and scale.