Choose one of these 3 animated movies and open that starting file:
- Despicable Me
- Frozen
- Toy Story
Page heading: Berlin Sans FB, size 36
Click on the page heading line, add a bottom border line.
Zoom out to 70% so you can see your entire page.
Select all (CTRL+A)…
and center everything.
First Callout
Go to the Insert tab and click on Shapes…
Select the round Callout shape…
Click and drag out a shape in the upper/left area. Type in the name of the first character:
- Despicable Me = “Gru”
- Frozen = “Elsa”
- Toy Story = “Bullseye”.
Resize & Point
Resize the height of the box to just fit the name using the bottom handle/circle.
Pull out the yellow circle so the pointer is close to the character’s picture.
More Callouts
- Draw more callout shapes. Go to Insert > Shapes again, or if you are on a shape, you can go to the Shapes Format tab on the far left and quickly add from there.
- Add the text.
- Resize the height of all the boxes to just fit the name using the bottom handle/circle.
- Pull out the yellow circle so the pointer is close to the character/picture.
Gradient Styles
Go to the Shape Format tab, and use the drop-down menu for Styles and add one of the bottom gradient styles…
So it should have a gradient and a drop shadow…
Make sure to add different gradient styles for each callout shape…