

Top 2 Lines

Select the top 2 lines and set the font type to Stencil, size 48

Select just the 2nd line: reduce to 36

Select the award name (top 2 lines) and give it a style.


Edwardian Script, size 36



Zoom out to 70% so you can see your entire page.

Select everything on the page (CTRL+A) and center it.

Bottom Border

Click on the line with the name and add a Bottom Border.

One Page?

You should have only one page. If you have something like this … you will have to fix it before continuing.

Page Border

Go to the Design tab, and add a Page Border.

Choose a stars border.


Left Dog Picture

  1. Right-click on the first picture below and Copy Image.
  2. Then paste it on the page (CTRL+V or use the Paste button).
  3. Add Text Wrapping: In Front

Move the picture into position as shown below.

Right Dog Picture

  1. Copy the picture below…
  2. Paste it on the page (CTRL+V)
  3. Add Text Wrapping “In Front“.

Position it in the bottom right corner like this. Do not resize the picture!

Gold Seal Picture

Copy the picture below and add Text Wrapping “In Front“.

Position the picture so it is covering some of the line. Do not resize the picture!