Choose one of these 3 animated movies and open that starting file:

  • Despicable Me
  • Frozen
  • Toy Story


Page heading: Berlin Sans FB, size 36


Click on the page heading line, add a bottom border line.

Zoom out to 70% so you can see your entire page.


Select all (CTRL+A)…

and center everything.

First Callout

Go to the Insert tab and click on Shapes

Select the round Callout shape…

Click and drag out a shape in the upper/left area. Type in the name of the first character:

  • Despicable Me = “Gru”
  • Frozen = “Elsa”
  • Toy Story = “Bullseye”.

Resize & Point

Resize the height of the box to just fit the name using the bottom handle/circle.

Pull out the yellow circle so the pointer is close to the character’s picture.

More Callouts

  1. Draw more callout shapes. Go to Insert > Shapes again, or if you are on a shape, you can go to the Shapes Format tab on the far left and quickly add from there.
  1. Add the text.
  2. Resize the height of all the boxes to just fit the name using the bottom handle/circle.
  3. Pull out the yellow circle so the pointer is close to the character/picture.

Gradient Styles

Go to the Shape Format tab, and use the drop-down menu for Styles and add one of the bottom gradient styles…

So it should have a gradient and a drop shadow…

Make sure to add different gradient styles for each callout shape…