Font Type
Select “Kittens” and pump up the font size to 36. Change the font type to Goudy Stout
Add any WordArt Style.
So you should have something like this…
Zoom out to 70% so you can see your entire page.
Page Layout
Select the entire page (CTRL+A) and align to center.
Page Border
Go to the Design tab…
Click on Page Borders button.
- Go to the Art drop-down menu
- Click on the small shaded square and drag it down to the bottom
- Once you’ve reached the bottom choices…
- … select this one.
When you see it in the Preview area, click on OK.
Text Boxes
Draw Text Boxes
Make sure nothing is selected anymore!
Go to the Insert tab and click on Text Box…
Use the drop-down menu to select Draw text box…
Click and drag out a text box about this size in an empty area.
Type “Feet” in the text box. Then resize the text box to fit just the words.
Move the text box over to the right of the picture like this…
Insert more text boxes, adding the text and moving them into position like this…
No Outline
Right-click on the border of the textbox and choose Outline > No Outline.
Repeat for the other text boxes. You should then have this…
Insert Arrows
To add arrows, go to the Insert tab and Shapes …
Select the basic arrow shape.
Drag out to draw an arrow like this from the text box to the body part. Click off to see it.
Go back to the Insert tab and Shapes … choose the arrow shape and draw another arrow for the “Ears”.
Now with the arrow still active, you will see the Shape Format tab – on the far left, you can quickly select the arrow tool to draw another arrow.
Draw more arrows like this…
Color & Thicker
With one arrow selected, go to the Shape Outline button under the Shape Format tab…
- First make the arrows thicker – set the Weight to 3 pt.
- Then change the Color.
You can adjust the arrows if needed but you should have something like this…